Attention tea lovers: you will be uber pleased to know that we are in the process of expanding our tea selections on Coffee Wholesale to include fine artisanal teas (oolongs, pu ehrs, rose tips, mate)
… and other delicious varieties like the UK’s best-selling and most-adored tea, PG Tips. They are inexpensive (40 bags/box @ $7.50), made from the finest part of the tea leaf — the tip — and dried within hours of picking for maximum tastiness. The taste is mild, clean, and with the perfect balance of earthiness, and is boldly herbal.
This is a non-flavored tea that comes in pyramid-shaped bags. PG Tips were one of the first companies (if not THE first) that used tetrahedron shaped tea bags, which allow 50% more room for the tea to move around inside it’s paper infuser. The idea was to create a paper infuser that acts more like a normal pot of loose tea.
Quick history lesson: PG Tips date back to the 1930’s when it was called Pre-Gest-Tee, implying that the tea was effective in aiding digestion when consumed as an aperitif. Remember: this was a time in history in which heroin was still legal in the UK, so companies could get away with a labelling food and drug basically whatever they wanted to. After WW2, food and drink labelling regulations called ‘Tips out, because it was proven to not help in aiding digestion when consumed before a meal. This is when the name changed to PG Tips. “PG” came from the “pre-gest” and “Tips” came from the foodie-approved picking process: PG Tips only picks the top two tea leaves and bud of the tea plant.
Looking for a new favorite English Breakfast Tea? We NOW have the end-all/be-all of British black teas: PG Tips. You’re welcome!